Friday, 6 November 2015

Nanshy Eye Brush Set

 (Slovensko v drugem delu objave)

You may remember that a while ago I reviewed a makeup sponge by Nanshy. Well they don't just have makeup sponges, but also have quite a selection of brushes which are available both individually and in sets. I got the Eye Brush set that contains 7 brushes and according to their website it's a Top 5 best seller. These come in two colours, black and white. 

There are seven brushes in this set: the large shader, eye crease, tapered crease, blending eyeshadow, flat definer, precise bent definer and angled detailer. These are synthetic, vegan, cruelty free and antibacterial. Let's check them out individually

Large Shader Brush 
This one is meant for both packing on the colour as well as blending. It's a flat, but this brush is about a third larger and thicker than MAC's 239. It's decent for packing on colour, however, the thing is that my eyes are quite small, so it's better suited for applying a base shade all over the lid, but it can work for getting the colour only on the mobile lid as well, it's just not as intense. It's quite a stiff brush, but not in a way that it's harsh, just very dense. It's synthetic, so it doesn't grab as much colour as MAC's 239, but it is, on the other hand, much more suited for cream eyeshadows.

Tapered Crease Brush 
I actually tried to guess what set I'll receive to test and I was hoping to get one with this brush. For a while I've been looking for a replacement for my Coastal Scents Italian Round brush, which is the only one that works in my crease, but this one isn't it. It's smaller and more suited for smudging eyeshadow under the lower lashline. As far as working in the crease goes, it's too small, meaning you get more of a cut crease effect instead of a soft, diffused look. I prefer to use in in combination the Blending Eyeshadow Brush or Eye Crease Brush.

Eye Crease Brush 
This one, on the other hand, is already bigger than my trusted Italian Round Brush. It's verging on being too big for my "crease" (I have hooded eyelids), so to me it's more of a blending brush. In fact the Blending Eyeshadow brush and this one aren't that different, the main difference it's merely in the amount of bristles, but it's the same type of a small blending brush that very soft and synthetic. I like using this for blending and it's is a very handy addition to my brush arsenal.

Blending Eyeshadow Brush 
A larger, fluffier version of the eye crease brush. It's soft, non-scratchy and blends well on my small eyes, but this is the largest blending brush in this set and I feel that it might be too small on different eye shapes than mine. For me it's excellent.

Flat Definer Brush 
I love this brush. I never even though of buying anything like it and now I feel pretty stupid. It is absolutely perfect for applying eyeshadow under the lower lashline the way I like it. My eyes are small and I don't like a lot of eyeshadow under there and not blended too far down. I prefer it more as a thin diffused line that defines the eyes and gives the appearance of a thicker lashline. This one does the job admirably.

Precise Bent Eyeliner Brush 
Very similar to my Alverde gel eyeliner brush, which is my favourite. It's a thin brush with a bent design that I find the easiest to use when applying gel eyeliner. I don't really use gel eyeliners, since I discovered felt tip eyeliners, but it should come handy one day.

Angled Detailer Brush 
Aside from the Italian Round Crease brush, I have another indispensable brush from Coastal Scents that I've been failing at finding a replacement for - Black on Black Taklon Angle Liner. This one is it. It's a similar small and thin angled brush that is very precise and perfect for applying the so called invisible eyeliner very close to the lashes.

The quality reminds me of Jessup brushes. These have very similar design and material used, however, this are much smaller and more precise, so unlike the Jessup set, I can do much more precise work with them and not just blending or applying concealer. One thing that I love and most of you will find me silly for it - the short handles. Well at least compared to other ones I have. My eyesight is poor, so I apply makeup very close to the mirror and I always bang the mirror with the handle. I'm sure many can relate, With these I don't or at least not as often, so it's a relief not the hear the constant clacking on the mirror surface.

I think these are the brushes most suited for small eyes. All in all the brushes in the set are small compared to most other brushes I own, luckily this fits my requirements since my eyes are small and hooded. The only brush that I really wish were smaller and flatter is the large shader brush, or they could just add such a brush to these seven because I consider it an essential and I use it every time I apply makeup. They are all synthetic, which means they don't necessarily pick up the colour as well, but they are great at blending and for use with cream eyeshadows. I'm particularly happy I got the Eye Crease, Blending Eyeshadow and Flat Definer and they have become somewhat of a staple brushes for me.

I got these from Lič, but for international readers Nanshy is sold on their official website for £29.95.

Nanshy mi ni neznana znamka, saj imam od njih že gobico, ampak njihovih čopičev pa prej še nisem preizkusila. Na voljo imajo kar nekaj čopičev, tako posameznih kot v kompletih. Moj je komplet sedmih čopičev za oči in je na voljo tudi v beli barvi.

Čopiči v kompletu so: the large shader (velik čopič za senčila), eye crease (čopič za pregib), tapered crease (koničasti čopič za pregib), blending eyeshadow (čopič za zabrisovanje), flat definer (ploščati čopič za definicijo), precise bent definer (natančni upognjen čopič za definiranje) and angled detailer (prirezan čopič za detajle). Čopiči so sintetični, veganski, niso testirani na živalih in antibakterijski.

Large shader brush
Čopič, ki je namenjen nanašanju senčila na veke, sicer pa se ga lahko uporabi tudi za zabrisovanje. Je ploščat, ampak debelejši kot npr. Macov 239 ali pa čopič za senčila od Essence. Je v redu za nanašanje barve, ampak je že skoraj prevelik za moje majhne oči in mi je boljši za nanašanje osnove, svetle barve na cele veke. Je kar gost čopič, posledično ne kaj dosti mehek, ampak ni grob. Ker je sintetičen ne pobere toliko barve, kot tisti z naravnimi ščetinami, ampak je pa zato veliko bolj primeren za kremna senčila.

Tapered Crease Brush 
Upala, sem da bom dobila ta čopič zato ker se mi je na slikah zdel zelo podoben mojemu prastaremu Italian Round Brush od Coastal Scents, ki je popoln za nanašanje senčila v gubo in iščem zamenjavo zanj, ampak tale je veliko manjši in bo za večino bolj primeren  kot "smudger" za pod spodnje trepalnice. Lahko pa z njim narediš bolj ostro črto v pregibu. Sama ga uporabljam v kombinaciji z Blending Eyeshadow Brush ali pa Eye Crease Brush.

Eye Crease Brush 
Ta je že večji kot moj Italian čopič in je že malo prevelik za moj pregib (verjetno nimamo spodobnega prevoda, zato bom samo rekla, da imam "hooded eyelids", torej tako obliko oči kot npr. Blake Lively). Zame je tale čopič bolj primeren za blendanje/zabrisovanje. Blending eyeshadow brush in tale se pravzaprav ne razlikujeta veliko, glavna razlika je, da je ta manj širok. Je pa mehek čopič in mi je všeč za zabrisovanje na mojih majhnih očeh, tako da sem vesela, da ga imam.

Blending Eyeshadow Brush 
Večja in širša verzija Eye Crease čopiča. Je zopet mehek, ampak dovolj gost, da lepo zabrisuje, sploh na mojih majhnih očeh. Ampak to je največji čopič za zabrisovanje v tem setu in mislim, da bo premajhen za tiste, ki imajo drugačno obliko oči kot jaz.

Flat Definer Brush 
Tale mi je pa zelo všeč. Nikoli mi niti padlo na pamet, da bi kupila kaj takega, ampak zdaj se počutim pa kar malo neumno. Odličen je za nanašanje senčila pod spodnje trepalnice, vsaj tako kot je meni všeč. Ne maram preveč senčila tam oz. ne maram da je zabrisano prenizko, ker me to naredi utrujeno, zato raje naredim bolj definiran videz s tanjšo, ampak zabrisano črto, ki naredi videz kot da imam bolj goste trepalnice.

Precise Bent Eyeliner Brush 
Ta je zelo podoben mojemu čopiču za eyeliner v gelu od Alverde, ki je moj najljubši. Je zelo tanek in natančen čopič z upognjenim ročajem in prav taka oblika meni najbolj ustreza za nanos gel eyelinerjev. Slednje sem sicer prenehala uporabljat ko sem odkrila tekoča črtala, ki izgledajo malo kot flumastri (felt tip eyeliner. Slovenščina ima polno neumnih prevodov, ki jih ne prenesem), ampak bo ta čopič že kdaj prišel prav.

Angled Detailer Brush 
Še en čopič je zame nepogrešljiv poleg Italian Round Crease brush, in sicer Black on Black Taklon Liner, ki izgleda kot tale. Je približno isto velik in še bolj pomembno tanek ter ozek, zato je zelo natančen in z njim lahko naneseš npr. črno senčilo čisto blizu trepalnic in ustvariš videz nevidnega črtala, da potem izgledajo trepalnice gostejše.  

Kvaliteta me spominja na Jessup čopiče. Tudi oblika in material sta podobna, ampak ti so veliko manjši in bolj natančni. Z njimi se lažje nanese ličila, saj tisti so že tako veliki, da jih uporabljam za zabrisovanje korektorja. Čopiči imajo krajše ročaje kot večina čopičev in to meni izjemno ustreza. Zaradi dioptrije sem ena izmed tistih, ki mora imeti ogledalo blizu med nanosom ličil in s čopiči stalno zadevam v ogledalo, s temi pa ne. Ok, večinoma ne, včasih se vseeno še zgodi, ampak je velik korak naprej. Zagotovo nisem edina, ki so jim take stvari pomembne.  

Po mojih izkušnjah so tile čopiči bolj namenjeni za ličenje manjših oči oz. takih kot so moje "hooded eyes". So kar majhni v primerjavi z ostali čopiči, ki jih imam. Samo large shader brush je za moje pojme ogromen in res pogrešan nekaj manjšega v tem setu. Ker so sintetični senčil ne poberejo tako dobro, kot tisti z naravnimi ščetinami, sploh če porabiš kakšno poceni paleto, ampak so zelo dobri za zabrisovanje in tudi za kremna senčila. Moj najljubši so Eye Crease brush, Blending brush in Flat Definer Brush.

Čopiči so na voljo na lič za 41,95 € (to je skoraj 6 € na čopič). Do konca novembra imaš 15% popusta na znamko Nanshy s kodo NANSHY15.

Have a great day!

*The set was sent to me for review purposes.

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